The Tax Professionals Blog — taxes
Overnight Analysis of the GOP Tax Reform Bill
Posted by Lee Reams Sr. on
The GOP has released its tax reform structure, without a lot of detail (it is being left to Congress to determine), and as we all know the devil is in the details. But remember this is only a proposal and a lot can happen before it becomes law, assuming it even gets to that point. Here are some highlights of the proposal:
Preserving Capital Loss Carryovers
Posted by Lee Reams Sr. on

Late Filing & Late Payment Penalties Relief
Posted by Lee Reams Sr. on
The Internal Revenue Manual (IRM provides a one-time administrative abatement of late filing and late payment penalties, commonly called the “first time abatement” (FTA) penalty relief, where a taxpayer has:
California Initiates a State EITC Beginning 2015
Posted by Lee Reams Sr. on
New Scam Targets Tax Professionals
Posted by Lee Reams Sr. on