Many taxpayers will rent their first or second homes using rental agents or online rental services that match property owners with prospective renters, such as Airbnb, VRBO and HomeAway. When a taxpayer rents property for a short period, special (and sometimes complex) taxation rules come into play, which can make the rents excludable from taxation; other situations may force the rental income and expenses to be reported on Schedule C (as opposed to Schedule E)
. The following is a synopsis of the rules governing short-term rentals.
Congress, recognizing that most classroom teachers spend a significant amount of their own money on classroom supplies, granted them a special deduction of $250 (indexed for inflation after 2015) as an adjustment to gross income – referred to as an above-the-line deduction – rather than an itemized deduction.
Self-employed individuals may take above-the-line deductions (generally limited to the net earnings from self-employment) for the amount paid during the tax year for medical insurance for the individuals, their spouses, their dependents and their children under the age of 27.