The Tax Professionals Blog — mortgage
There May Be More Equity Debt than Meets the Eye
Posted by Lee Reams Sr. on
For both regular tax and AMT computations, interest paid on a debt to acquire or substantially improve a first or second home is deductible as long as it does not exceed the debt limit (generally $1 million). This is also true of refinanced debt, except that any increase in debt is treated as equity debt. For regular tax purposes, the interest on up to $100,000 of equity debt on the first two homes can also be deducted.
IRS Reneges On Prior CA Short Sale Guidance
Posted by Lee Reams II on
Background: As you all should know Sec 580b of the California Code of Civil Procedure (CCP) provides that no deficiency shall be owed or collected, and no deficiency judgment shall be awarded, with regard to a purchase money trust deed on a dwelling for not more than four families given to a lender to secure repayment of a loan that was used to pay all or part of the purchase price of that dwelling, occupied entirely or in part by the purchaser.