Effective August 1, 2014, the California Tax Education Council (CTEC) will increase its annual registration fee for tax preparers from $25 to $33.
The purpose of CTEC is to ensure registered tax preparers are competent in their profession in order to protect California taxpayers. Quality tax education standards, tax preparer enforcement, and public awareness all play a role in this endeavor.
Recent audits proved that more attention is needed regarding the courses offered by CTEC-approved education providers. As a result, the board allocated more funds toward the oversight of its education providers to help ensure two goals are fulfilled:
• CTEC Registered Tax Preparers (CRTPs) receive quality tax education.
• California taxpayers receive quality tax preparation services from CRTPs.
The additional $8 is the minimal amount needed to avoid a budget shortfall. This is the first registration fee increase CTEC implemented in its 17-year history.